Leopard vs Hyena

Who will emerge victorious in this gruesome battle?

It is a challenging fight given that Leopards and Hyenas often only fight over dead carcasses and try to escape their mark on their kills, rather than over territories.

However, we must accept that there are some incredible facts about the leopard and the hyena that you almost certainly are not aware of.

So let us get this party started with a comparison of the Leopard and the Hyena.

Leopard, sometimes known as a panther, is a huge cat closely related to the tiger, lion, and jaguar in appearance and behavior.

The name leopard was initially applied to the cat now known as the cheetah, also known as the so-called hunting leopard, which was supposed to be a combination of the lion and the pard at its classification.

Leopard eventually substituted the term pard as the preferred name for the animal.

The Spotted hyena is a misunderstood species with a reputation for being fearful and deceitful, yet it is an interesting and clever creature with a unique social system.

It has the appearance of a dog, yet it is more closely related to civets, cats, and genets. The laughing hyena is another name for this animal.

In addition to being the largest member of the hyena family, it is also an extremely powerful and capable predator.

Size and Body Description

Leopards can grow to reach between 3 and 6.2 feet (0.9 and 1.9 meters) in length.

Its tail increases its overall length by anywhere between 25 and 39 inches (64 and 99 cm).

The weight of males and females varies.

Females normally weigh between 46 and 132 pounds (21 and 60 kilograms), whereas males typically weigh between 80 and 165 pounds (36 to 75 kg).

This medium-sized cat has a slender and long body with short, sturdy legs and a long tail, which helps the animal maintain balance.

The head is broad, and the skull is big, with strong jaw muscles on either side of the head.

They are highly dependent on their environment in terms of their coat’s general hue and markings.

For this reason, leopards that live in open grasslands are more likely to have a pale yellow background coat.

The coat of individuals that live in the woods, on the other hand, is typically darker and more heavily adorned with markings.

In populations of South African origin, the black rosettes that cover their bodies are square-like in shape.

In the case of those from East Africa, they are round.

The Striped Hyenas are up to 10 percent larger than those of the other hyena species, making them the largest.

A hyena’s body length ranges from 3 to 5.5 feet (0.9 to 1.7m), and its tail length ranges from 10 to 25 centimeters (25 cm). Its weight ranges between 62 and 70 kg (135 – 155 lbs).

A short, sandy to gray/brown coating with blackish spots is characteristic of this breed’s appearance.

When the hyena gets enthusiastic, the neck and back hair stand on end, causing it to slide forward and stand on edge.

A huge head and neck are characteristic of Spotted Hyenas, which are powerfully built creatures.

In addition, their ears are rather small yet rounded, and they have powerful jaws.

Their front legs are far longer than their four legs, giving them a tilting back look.

These creatures’ feet have four toes, each with a large toe pad and a claw that does not bend.

Spotted Hyenas are excellent swimmers, and they can cover three kilometers (1.9 miles) at speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour (30 miles per hour).

Habitat and Environment

The leopard is a highly versatile animal that can survive in various habitats all over the world.

Leopards can be found in sub-Saharan Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, southwestern and eastern Turkey, the Sinai Desert of Southwest Asia, the Himalayan foothills, China, Russia, India, and the islands of Sri Lanka and Java, as well as the Himalayan foothills, the Sinai Desert of Southwest Asia, and the islands of Java and Sri Lanka.

They can survive in practically every sort of environment, including tropical rainforests, woodlands, grassland savannas, and forests, as well as mountain habitats, coastal scrublands, and marshy places.

Leopards live in more places than any other large cat.

Hyenas can be found throughout sub-Saharan Africa; however, their population density varies greatly from one region to the next.

In certain regions (forests of Mt. Kenya, for example), they are only observed on rare occasions, and they have been eradicated from the majority of South Africa’s habitats.

In Tanzania, high populations can be seen in the Serengeti and, more specifically, the Ngorongoro crater.

There are numerous open, dry habitats where hyenas can be found. These include semi-desert and grassland habitats, savannah, acacia bush, and highland woodland.

As the species’ distribution decreases in densely forested areas, it becomes increasingly rare.

In addition, they do not live in the tropical coastal rainforests of the west or central Africa.


Even though leopards are carnivores, their food selection is among the most diverse of any of the cat species.

Panthera pardae graze mostly on large prey animals such as ungulates and antelopes.

They also prey on monkeys, insects, birds, small animals, and reptiles, to name a few prey species.

Leopards eat a variety of foods depending on where they live.

In Asia, they hunt on antelopes, chitals, muntjacs, and ibex, among other animals.

In their natural habitat, leopards hunt in ambush. They crouch low to sneak up on their prey and pounce before it has a chance to respond.

A leopard will kill its prey with a single fast bite to the neck, causing it to shatter in half.

Leopards hunt primarily at night, and they are adept climbers who frequently move their prey into trees where they feast or store it for later consumption.

Hyenas consume a wide variety of prey, and they are quite effective hunters.

The smaller creatures they prey on include birds, hares, foxes, jackals, fish, snakes, and carrion if they are hunting on their own.

Typically, they would form groups of 2 – 5 individuals and hunt medium to big hoofed species like zebra, Grant’s gazelle, Thompson’s gazelle, topi, waterbuck, wildebeest, eland, impala, and hartebeest together.

Spotted Hyenas and lions hunt the same animals, and their interactions can result in deaths for both parties.


Leopards are solitary species that only interact with other individuals while breeding or rearing their young, which occurs exclusively during these times.

They are highly predatory, and instead of sleeping, they spend their nights searching for prey.

Leopards spend a significant amount of time in trees.

Their spotted coat conceals them, allowing them to mix in with the tree’s foliage.

Furthermore, when leopards contact one another by chance, they may engage in combat.

To alert other leopards to the animal’s presence, the leopard typically coughs with a rasping or sawing sound.

In most cases, the leopards’ home ranges overlap with one another.

As a result, the home range of a male leopard might frequently overlap with the territories of several female leopards.

Hyenas are highly sociable animals with a female-dominated social structure.

A dominant female known as the “matriarch” rules the group and is the largest and most aggressive of the animals.

Some animals are highly vocal and will employ a variety of chuckles, grunts, growls, whoops, other vocalizations, and additional opportunities to communicate with one another.

They also have extremely complex social practices when connecting with individuals who have been absent for lengthy periods.

What if a fully-grown male leopard faced up against a female alpha hyena? It is time to find out who will win in this fight!

The largest adult spotted hyenas, and adult male leopards are around the same size, and both are extremely hardy and ferocious predators that can kill anything in their path.

The Leopard has the physical advantage, in my opinion, in that it moves and reacts much more quickly. It also has a slim muscular body, stronger and thicker legs, longer, sharper canines, and extremely sharp curved sizes claws that tightly grab flesh and slice it with ease.

The sole advantage of an adult female is the strength of its enormously powerful jaws, one bite can easily break a leopard’s leg, effectively putting the leopard to death.

But the Leopard would more than likely avoid the bite because of its super quick reflexes.

An adult male leopard is unlikely to be terrified by a lone adult hyena in most circumstances.

It has no cause to be afraid of it, and it is more than capable of taking down a hyena in a one-on-one battle.

Leopard is the clear winner in this contest, in my opinion.

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