Polar Bear Vs Grizzly Bear

Who would win in a fight?

Let’s First Discuss Polar Bears

The polar bear can be found in areas with freezing temperatures. It is a carnivorous mammal that resides in the Arctic Circle surrounded by land and sea masses.

This massive bear weighs around 750 to 1500 pounds or 350 to 700 kg.

When it comes to their diet, they are known for feeding on seals. They hunt them on the edge of the sea.

They live on both the land and the sea, which makes them maritime animals. Currently, polar bears are considered an endangered species due to the decline in their population. The cause of that is global warming and loss of habitat.

These white bears are known to be the kings of their habitat.

Appearance-wise, they have big furry feet and sharp claws that help them with traction on ice.

Polar bears can be found in arctic regions such as Newfoundland Island and James Bay in Canada, the Norwegian mainland, Kuril Island within the sea of Okhotsk, Denmark, Alaska, Norway, Canada, and the US.

The powerful limbs of polar bears help these arctic animals run on land. Due to temperature changes, seals tend to migrate to different areas. Hence, the polar bears follow them since the seals are their main food source.

Now Lets Tackle Grizzly Bears

Grizzly bears are known as the sub-species of the North American brown bear due to their similarities and both of these bears are considered as one species located in two different areas.

The grizzly bear has a silver sheen within its fur, hence it is also known as the silvertip bear. This widespread solitary animal often resides in coastal locations such as rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams.

Grizzly bears have grey and golden hairy fur which makes sense because their ancestors are said to be brown bears.

On average, a grizzly bear weighs around 400 to 800 pounds or 180 to 360 kg. Its overall length is 78 inches or 198 cm, and 4o inches or 102 cm tall at the shoulders. The size of a Grizzly Bears hind foot is 11 inches or 28 cm.

Moreover, coastal bears are considered to be heavier in weight. The heaviest grizzly bear recorded was 680 kg.

Grizzly bears can be found in Europe, Asia, North America, and Canada. However, because of the loss of habitat and hunting, their population is rapidly declining.

Female grizzly bears tend to live longer compared to their male counterpart. This is because the females don’t get into life-threatening fights. Male grizzly bears live for 22 years while females live for 26 years, on average.

Also, these bears are known to be both carnivores and omnivores, which means they feed on both plants and animals.

Now Back to Our Original Question!

Which Bear Will Be The Ultimate Winner In A Fight?

This debate has been going on for ages.

Compared to grizzly bears, polar bears tend to be bigger and heavier in size and have sharper teeth with strong paws. However, the grizzly bear comes with a compact bone structure and have tank-like body structure. Plus, they are more aggressive as compared to polar bears.

Despite being larger, polar bears have a less robust frame. When compared to the grizzly bears, polar bears have a longer and slimmer skull, while the grizzly bear has a shorter and thicker skull. Moreover, the grizzly bear comes with a strong shoulder structure.

Size is not the only factor to consider in a fight. Muscle to fat ratio, strength, and even aggression is taken greatly into account and the Grizzly bear has advt ages in these areas.

When it’s time for the ice to melt, polar bears would migrate to locations that are home to the grizzly bears. The grizzly will have enough power to fight off the polar bear.

So it seems logical that the grizzly bear will be the winner, in the end.

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