The Bengal Tiger vs The Siberian Tiger

Which Would Win The Fight?

Both the Bengal tiger and the Siberian tiger are two of the most beautiful creatures on the planet but also the deadliest when it comes to prey.

Most people, at one time or another, have seen film footage of tigers taking down prey 4 to 5 times larger than themselves. You might wonder if pitted against each other, would the Bengal or Siberian win in a battle?

The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest member of the cat family (Felidae) and is only matched by the lion.

The Bengal Tiger

With the exception of the Siberian, the Bengal is considered one of the largest cat species and members of the genus Panthera. In 1978, Carl Linnaeus, known for his work in taxonomy, described the tiger as Systema Naturae giving it the name Felis Tigris. In 1929, the scientific name changed to Panthera tigris. Bengals are also called the Royal Bengal Tiger or Indian tiger. This feline is revered in Indian culture and tradition using its image on many objects including flags, shields, etc. In Bangladesh, the Bengal tiger is the national symbol.

Size And Traits

Bengals are 9 to 11-feet in length (2.7 to 3.3 m) and approximately 2 to 3.5-feet tall (0.9 to 1m). The tail measures approximately 3-feet (1m)

It is reported that the largest Bengal Tiger ever recorded was 923 pounds (423 kg).

Bengals have immense, padded paws and muscular legs giving them an advantage of not being heard when approaching prey They can leap up to 16 feet giving them a huge benefit for jumping onto prey including elephants.

Their coats are considered one of the most beautiful sights ever with various markings and striped patterns.

Both Bengals and Siberians have the longest teeth in the feline family coming in at 4-inches (100 m). They both have retractable claws that allow them to climb and kill their prey. They have incredible vision and hearing.

The Bengal has skin that ranges from yellow to light orange while their chests, bellies, necks, and inner legs are white or cream. Their stripes are black, brown, or gray running in vertical lines down the body. The tail is ringed. Tigers use their coats for camouflage and no two cats look exactly alike.

Sadly, there are fewer than 2,000 Bengals left in the wild due mostly to human occupation and human growth. You stand a better chance of seeing them in zoos.

The Siberian

The Siberian is 160 to 200 cm in length or 10 to 12 ft, the tail, will add another 100 cm. An adult male weighs around 300 kg and can reach 675 lbs., and the females are smaller weighing 400 lbs (180 kg).Without a doubt, they are larger than the Bengal.

Even though the Siberian tiger or Amur tiger is considered the largest cat in the world, calculations were only taken from species in captivity.

The Siberian can adapt to colder climates with thick layers and extremely dense fur. They also have paler and fewer dark stripes in comparison to Bengals.

The Habitats Of Bengals & Siberians

Tigers live remotely and vigorously mark large territories. These powerful hunters can travel many miles to find prey. The range of their territory depends on the availability of food. They prefer to live in areas lower in human populations.

The majority of Bengals live in India with a smaller pride in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan and also found in China and Burma. Sadly, due to poaching and humans taking over their habitats, there are less than 2,000 Bengals left in the wild. There are cities and towns with larger populations of people than that.

There are only 350 to 400 adult Siberian left in the wild and mainly found in the forests of the Russian Far East, where they play a critical part in the ecosystem as well as local culture. Historically Siberians where found throughout the Korean Peninsula, China, and Mongolia. Unfortunately, their habitats that are now very few and far between. They live in the tropics, forests, mangroves, and grasslands. Their preferred altitude levels range from 660 to 9,800-feet above sea level.

The rest of the Siberian population are in mountain areas in the southwestern Primorye Province of Russia which is a part of Siberia. The major habitats of the Siberian are snow forests, birch forests, and Boreal forests. They live in very harsh conditions with extremely cold winters accompanied by high levels of snowfall.

Most Siberians live in remote mountainous areas as far away from humans as possible. As of 2005, there were only 350 Siberians left in the wild. Through intensive conservation efforts, the population has remained and even though to have increased to around 350 since 2014.


Bengals being carnivorous, search for medium and large prey. Their diets consist of gaur, water buffalo, sambar, chital (mottle deer), wild boar, and other deer species around their habitats

During the day hours, tigers hide in tall grass to stalk prey. Their camouflage can be extremely effective, making prey unsuspecting when only a few feet away from the tiger.

When a tiger is ready to attack its prey they silently attack from the side or from behind. They quickly jump and strike with a powerful blow from their claws or biting the neck.

Siberians will stalk their prey for many miles. Their common foods include elk, boar, bears, and deer. They will pounce when they are close by. Afterward, they drag their kill to a chosen area before devouring the meat. If needed, they will also hunt smaller animals including rabbits, fish, and pikas. Their hunting habits are very similar to the Bengal.

The Behaviors Of Bengals & Siberians

Both Bengals and Siberians are solitary animals. Bengals mark the borders of their territory with urine. Siberians mark trees and rocks in their territory. Bengals will search for food traveling many miles.

Male tigers are very aggressive toward other males. Both males and females are slightly more tolerant toward one another but rarely interact unless during the breeding season.

There are only a few hundred Siberian tigers within a range, giving them the advantage in large areas while searching for food. Their incredible power and fearsome reputation, leave most humans in fear. Even though they stay clear of humans, they might come in contact with people if they are sick, injured, or unable to hunt.

Back to the original question. If A Bengal and a Siberian were to battle, which would win!

They both have similarities such as being solitary and being dominant predators in their habitats. They have similar features and behavioral patterns.

When in battle, all tigers stand on their hind legs and use their massive front paws to battle They will size each other up before going into battle.

Overall, the Siberian would have the advantage due to its massive size and powerful hindquarters. They can apply very powerful strikes to knock their rivals off balance. The Siberian is larger and heavier and has the ability to anticipate its opponents’ movements and block them with their massive arms.

Also, Siberians usually get into conflict with huge animals like bears, and sometimes they even kill them, Bengals usually don’t have such experience killing large predators.

But in many cases, the fight can also be influenced by the individual cat, traits like skill, aggression, and determination can tip the balance. So there is a chance that a very aggressive Bengal can badly injure a Siberian, but it’s unlikely.

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